Uploading Company Logos
(1) Log into the MANA-01 laptop via SplashTop
(2) Place the new logo into the C:\Mana\Company Logos folder
For consistency and to avoid any issues, it is recommended that you remove any spaces and special characters (other than "-" or "_") from the filename and change all letters to lower case.
(3) Start the FileZilla FTP client
It's pinned to the taskbar:
(4) Click "Connect"
On startup, the Site Manager is shown, currently there is only one FTP Profile so it is automatically selected, you only need to click "Connect":
(5) Double-click the new file from the middle-left pane
The leftmost window shows the local filesystem, the middle-left window shows all files in the selected local folder.
The rightmost window shows the remote filesystem (on the server), the middle-right window shows all files in the selected remote folder.
You can double-click a local file to upload it, or double-click a remote file to download it.
You can also toggle directory comparison mode and synchronized browsing using buttons at the top:
(6) Check Your Work
The newly uploaded file should be available from: https://user.manamonitoring.com/images/company-logos/xyz.abc where xyz.abc is the name of the file you uploaded.
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