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Uploading Company Logos
(1) Log into the MANA-01 laptop via SplashTop (2) Place the new logo into the C:\Mana\Company Lo...
Performance Ratio
The Performance Ratio is the ratio of the energy effectively produced (used), with respect to the...
Configuring Notifications
Enabling/Disabling Notifications for a System The different types of notifications that can be a...
Notifications can be delivered via email or reviewed on the Mana Website. On the website, you c...
Adding New Client to ID Demo
(1) Set the new company's ID to the ID of the latest company minus 10000000: (2) Create a copy...
System Statuses and Icons
Production Sites A system with a PRIMARY Solar meter is considered a production system. A produc...
Issue Workflows
An issue can follow one of two workflows: The "Default" workflow is quite simple and includes ...
Cloning an Issue
A copy of an issue can be created using the "Clone Issue" function: Most issue properties are ...
Scheduling an Issue
An issue can be scheduled using the "Schedule Issue" function on the single issue page: Set th...
Sub-tasks can be created either by creating a sub-task for an existing issue, or converting an is...
Link Issues
Issues can be linked together by using the "Link to Issue" function available on the single issue...
Manual Data Reaggregation
Occasionally it may become necessary to manually "re-aggregate" our data for a given device/syste...
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