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Mana User's Manual
About this Guide This guide is meant for end-users of the Mana Website and Mana Mobile App. It i...
Getting Started
Website Quick Start Guide
The Mana Website, accessible from, provides access to all of your data st...
Mobile App Quick Start Guide
The Mana Mobile App is a convenient tool to check the status of your sites and any issues on your...
I am an Asset Manager
Mana can help you with the following: Tracking the performance of generation assets based on va...
I work in O&M
Mana can help you with the following: Ensuring facilities and operating by rolling trucks withi...
I am a Facility Manager
Mana can help you with the following: Tracking energy usage and comparing to baselines Billing...
How do I…
Using the Website
The Dashboard
→ Portfolio Overview Map
The overview map allows you to quickly identify any sites/systems with issues by location. The ic...
→ Carbon Equivalency
To Calculate the Carbon Equivalent of Solar Photovoltaic production Mana uses the Environmen...
The Sites List
→ Search for sites
You can use the sites search box to narrow down the list of sites shown on the Sites page. The...
The Issues List
→ Search for issues
You can use the issue search box to narrow down the list of issues shown. The search box enabl...
Site Details Page
Managing Issues
Issue Workflows
An issue can follow one of two workflows: The "Default" workflow is quite simple and includes ...
Link Issues
Issues can be linked together by using the "Link to Issue" function available on the single issue...
Sub-tasks can be created either by creating a sub-task for an existing issue, or converting an is...
Scheduling an Issue
An issue can be scheduled using the "Schedule Issue" function on the single issue page: Set th...
Cloning an Issue
A copy of an issue can be created using the "Clone Issue" function: Most issue properties are ...
Generating Reports & Exporting Data
Types of Reports
Mana makes a number of reports available to you depending on your subscription tier. PPA and Te...
→ Portfolio Batch Summary
→ Portfolio Summary
→ Site PPA Contract
→ Client Production
→ Portfolio Overview
→ Portfolio Issues & Readouts Analysis
→ Production Overview
Validate Data in Generated Reports
When you generate a report, the system inspects whether the data in the report has been validated...
System Statuses and Icons
Production Sites A system with a PRIMARY Solar meter is considered a production system. A produc...
Notifications can be delivered via email or reviewed on the Mana Website. On the website, you c...
Effective Availability Calculation
Effective Availability EA Calculation Effective Availability is calculated for each aggregator ...
Performance Ratio
The Performance Ratio is the ratio of the energy effectively produced (used), with respect to the...