
→ Portfolio Overview Map

The overview map allows you to quickly identify any sites/systems with issues by location. The icon shown for a given site reflects the nature and status of that site.

Production Sites

The icon shown indicates the status of both the aggregator system as well as the subsystems (if there are any). 

Icon Shown


Primary System Production Status

Subsystem Production Status

All production meters have reported energy production recently, and it is during daylight hours.



Some production meters have reported energy production recently, and it is during daylight hours, however, at least one subsystem production meter is experiencing issues. NORMAL At least one subsystem status is COM ERR or NOT PRODUCING
All production meters are experiencing issues (production meters are unreachable or reporting 0 production) and it is during daylight hours. COM ERR or NOT PRODUCING COM ERR or NOT PRODUCING

It is outside of daylight hours and at least one production meter has reported energy production during the day, however, at least one subsystem production meter is experiencing issues. NORMAL At least one subsystem status is COM ERR or NOT PRODUCING

It is outside of daylight hours and all production meters have reported energy production during the day. NORMAL NORMAL

It is outside of daylight hours (and irradiance meters confirm this), but production meters are reporting energy production over 1% of system DC size. NORMAL NORMAL

Consumption Sites

The icon shown indicates the status of both the aggregator system as well as the subsystems (if there are any). 

Icon Shown


Primary System Production Status

Subsystem Production Status

All meters have reported energy consumption recently.



Meters are reporting 0 values, or last reported energy usage was over 12 hours ago. NORMAL NORMAL

Some meters have reported energy consumption recently, however, at least one subsystem consumption meter is experiencing issues. NORMAL At least one subsystem status is COM ERR

All consumption meters are unreachable. COM ERR COM ERR

Hybrid Sites

Sites with both production and consumption meters are considered hybrid sites. Such sites have both a production and a consumption status. However, on the map, only the production status determines the icon shown.

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